Money In The Great Gatsby

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Theme of love vs money Many of Fitzgerald’s writing has a theme of ‘Love vs Money’, especially in his greatest novel, ‘The Great Gatsby’. Love is a fundamental base for life, if you don’t love someone you are not socially accepted. However, money is thought as the most important item in the universe, as we give money for something even more valuable, such as food. However, many people, after a lot of consideration, believe that love is more important in life than wealth as, you can be as wealthy as you want, but you cannot buy love. Love is not very simple: it can be very difficult or very easy depending on your situation. The definition of love in Oxford English Dictionary is ‘A feeling or disposition of deep affection or fondness for someone,…show more content…
It can ruin someone’s life or career by changing them into a psychotic maniac, because of their idea of love; making him or her depressed because of their separation; creating sexual desires because of boredom; the time consummation of being with his or her partner, even though you could be having the dream of your life. Fitzgerald are one of many people who fell into the trap of sexual desires by the end of his writing career, even though all of his works were due to his love for his wife, Zelda Sayre. As The New York Time said, ‘His works, from the start of ‘This Side of Paradise’, a chronological time line of his fascinating love life.’ One novel which explores this scope of the application of love is ‘The Great…show more content…
And when this hope fades as he dies, every desire disappears too. On the other hand, Tom is more of a selfless and precautious character, he only like to think of himself, meaning that he uses money for no use. Therefore Tom represents the money and Gatsby represents the love. And as we all know, Gatsby wins the love of Daisy. This shows that love is always more powerful than anything else and, from what I believe, this kind of rivalry causes all sorts of different side effects to occur: murder, abuse of extreme wealth and
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