Mexican Revolution Research Paper

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Mexican Revolution The Mexican Revolution began during the peak of one of Mexico’s most prosperous eras. Why would a nation undergo a revolution when it was so prosperous? What resulted was one of Mexico’s most troubling times that’s effects can still be seen today. At the surface, Mexico looked promising. With recent economic growth and political stability it looked to become one of the most prosperous states of the early 20th century. A closer look uncovered widespread distaste from its people for their government and their actions. The government was so focused on prospering that it failed to acknowledge growing disparities between its citizens. These disparities is what ignited the Mexican Revolution. A timeline of the events taking place…show more content…
With the help of Villa, guerrilla warfare tactics were applied against Diaz’s military. These skirmishes were concentrated in the winter of 1910 and by May of 1911, Diaz had resigned. Madero was inaugurated only six months later. To his followers disappointment, his liberal approach to Mexico’s problems had failed. His initial ideas, which were the main reasons for his mass support , took too slowly to make any change for a majority of his citizens. One of the people who was displeased with Maderos progress was war general Victoriano Huerta. Initially, Huerta was fully supportive of Maderos progressive attitude but slowly lost his respect as his presidency went on. Huerta, along with Mexican Politicians Felix Diaz, Bernardo Reyes, and U.S. ambassador Henry Lane Wilson had devised a plan to assassinate Madero. Madero was assassinated on February 13th, 1913. After Madero’s assassination, Huerta became the president of Mexico. This was largely in part to U.S. intervention which installed him as president. Huertas dictatorship caused U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to become hostile towards Mexico and not recognize his dictatorship. After Huerta refused Wilsons plead to step down for democratic elections Wilson sent U.S. Troops to occupy Mexico’s most important seaport, Veracruz. This inspired Venustiano Carranza, a supporter of Madero, to draft a plan to usurp Huerta. With the help of Villa and Zapata, Huerta was forced to resign on July 15th,

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