Eleanor Of Aquitaine Research Paper

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Introduction “By the wrath of God, queen of England.” -Eleanor of Aquitaine, Writings of Eleanor of Aquitaine. During the 12th century, Eleanor of Aquitaine was the power behind many thrones. An incredible achievement for a female amid a time when the general mass of the population disapproved of a Queen with her own opinion. In her lifetime, Eleanor had accomplished numerous things, such as being the patron of two dominant poetic movements of the time; the Love Court and the ‘Matter of Britain’. She is one of the first women to participate in the politics of England. Eleanor had elevated the position of women in society and she strongly influenced four, famous Kings: her husbands, Louis and Henry, and her sons, Richard and John. Duchess…show more content…
Even in her early years, she displayed more interest in political and military problems than in ‘women’s work’. Duke William praised his good fortune for having a daughter whom excelled in both horsemanship and archery, whilst being as slender and graceful as he could have hoped for in a daughter. Eleanor had a close bond with him and frequently travelled with her father as he toured through Aquitaine. She spent her time observing the fine skills of interacting with people. As she grew into a fine lady, a serious problem arose. Eleanor was smitten over a handsome knight by the name of Richard but his status was too pitiful for a lady of her nobility. Noble women usually acted as prizes for the highest bidder to ask her hand in marriage during that time. When Duke William perished, his council decided to intervene with the two doomed lovers. Richard vanished; probably put to death when attempting a midnight rendezvous with…show more content…
This ploy was employed by men of upper class society in an attempt to claim the women’s property. Aquitaine was the largest and most powerful of the duchies, a faction of France, each ruled by a Duke with a loose allegiance with the King. From a political perspective, Eleanor’s first marriage was brilliant since it offset the holdings of the Duke of Normandy, Geoffrey Plantagenet and hence, she married Louis VII, the King of France. He was more of a monk than a King. Ironically enough, he was raised for life at church but the heir had his life relinquished in a riding accident. They were like fire and water. Louis was inclined not to make trouble for the church whereas Eleanor thought the opposite. Louis’s opinion was dominated by the influence of his two clergymen, Odo and Bernard in court. He had trouble expressing his love for Eleanor and appeared to her with an illusion of an unromantic and rigid personality. Eleanor found the French magistrate dull and somber and often ridiculed it, filling the court with laughter and romantic music. Louis was chagrined at these actions but kept reticent. He often ignored the advice Eleanor gave him that she gained from past excursions with her father. This disrespect, coupled with the lack of an heir added to their depressing marriage. His advisors sought out to prevent the Queen from attending any political affair, since they

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