Meth: A Case Study

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REPORTER: The reporter/friend (Amy) called with concerns for the victim, Nevaeh. According to Amy, Ricky is using meth to shoot up, and he has track marks on his arm. The reporter said Nevaeh has access to the drugs (meth), and Ricky is doing meth around the victim. Ricky is not manufacturing meth in the home. The reporter said Ricky took the victim on a weekend visitation (past weekend), and he is holding the child against the court order, in order for the “mother (Emily) to come back to make the family work”. The reporter said on last night (09/27/2015) or this morning (09/28/2015), Emily texted Ricky and he said “someone touched the child”. The reporter said “he said someone violated the child in a sexual manor”. There were no details given.
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