Braveheart: A Career Analysis

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For the longest time, going to college was not on my to-do list. For much of my adolescence I had always dreamed of a career the Navy. This probably came about from spending too much time watching old World War Two documentaries on the History Channel as a kid. Why the Navy? Well it was determined to work hard and one day make it onto a SEAL Team. There was always an attraction to the Teams, not just because they are the best of the best, the elite warriors of the U.S. Military, but it was there that I felt my leadership skills would flourish. For a long time I started to hone my skills that i thought that i would need to help me down the trail to my dream. Much like Dante had Virgil in The Divine Comedy, these skills would be my guide. I worked on my physical…show more content…
However much like Mel Gibson said in the movie Braveheart, “the true test of a warrior is not found in his arm, but in his mind.” However something had changed once I got to high school. I changed. Everyone and their mother will tell you that you are going to change in high school. I had always had that in the back of my mind, however I was still surprised by the change. Once I had gotten into the flow of high school life I found so many outlets for my leadership. These things got me thinking, where could my leadership be the most use? For a time I felt as though i was roaming, looking for the answer. It wasn't easy but the end of my journey did eventually make itself clear. One night while i was sitting at home on the couch, I was watching the tv show Longmire, which follows the Wyoming Sheriff Longmire, so that may give

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