Mental Status Assessment

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In order to assist John in reducing his psychotic symptoms, nursing interventions must be put into place. Firstly, involving the multidisciplinary team in Johns’ care will be required. Making use of the teams’ specific skills of nursing, psychology, medicine, social work and occupational therapy will provide a broad, comprehensive treatment for John (Mental Health Commission, 2015). Conducting a Mental Status Examination (MSE) is a crucial element of a comprehensive assessment. The MSE is a systemic appraisal which evaluates, quantitatively and qualitatively, a variety of mental behaviours and functions at a certain point in time. Overall, it can deliver information in regards to diagnosis, assessment of the development of the disorder (psychosis) and a response to treatment (Mind Essentials,…show more content…
When admitted to the mental health ward, John would have undergone a review with the doctor, whereby medication would have been prescribed. Medication is a crucial component in the recovery from a psychotic episode, and to further prevent the re-occurrence of an episode. However, as John was brought to the ward involuntarily by his parents, his preference to receive medication is considered, though legally John will be obliged to accept the treatment which is given to him (Victoria Legal Aid and Mental Health Legal Centre Inc, 2010). There are many effective types of medication which can be used to reduce psychotic symptoms as well as the stress and anxiety that these symptoms can produce. Treatment of psychosis commonly initiates with prescription of anti-psychotic medication (Queensland Health, 2012). There are two types of antipsychotic medications, being typical and atypical. Anti-psychotic medications aid in the reduction or the ceasing of psychotic symptoms, including delusions, hallucinations, confused thinking and paranoia (Sane Australia,

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