History Of Affirmative Action

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What is Affirmative Action? . Affirmative action is designed to provide equal access for education and employment. It sets quotas for the number of minorities and women that should be employed in the workforce or that should be admitted in college or university campuses, it makes special efforts at inclusion. Affirmative action allows an increase in the numbers of minorities and women. As told by (Alcalde & Subiza, 2012, p. 296) because of historical discrimination, affirmative action policies are vindicated. Affirmative action strives to supports inclusion, so that no one group of has precedent over another or individuals. It strives to “level the playing field” so that everyone has an equal chance. Affirmative action in the workplace…show more content…
Kennedy. The term affirmative action was first used in Kennedy’s Executive Order No. 10,295 in 1961 as told by (Pasour, 1989). The predecessor to affirmative action is the Civil Rights Legislation of the 1960’s. Prior to 1960’s people were usually hired because they were recommended by employees or family and friends of employees. This practice was unfair because it did allow outsiders an equal opportunity. John F. Kennedy’s “New Frontier” encompassed a package of laws and reforms that sought to eliminate injustice and inequality in the United States. The “New Frontier” and affirmative action were both intended is to stop discrimination against minorities in employment and education. Affirmative action gives everyone the chance of achieving the American…show more content…
As told by (Potueck, 2003) affirmative action is a constitutional oxymoron in that something is done unequally to create equality. The pros of affirmative action is that it counteracts and compensates the effects of past and present discrimination against people. It helps to provides diversification in employment and education. It offers advantages to people who would otherwise, have no chance for betterment or advancement because of inequality. The major cos of affirmative action is that while fulfilling a quota, the real value and knowledge that a person may have is never really looked at. The person is just chosen because their skin color met the requirement. Their real qualifications are not explored. In a sense this devalues the person’s true worth and ability. In some cases where affirmative action is used, the people who are supposed to benefit from it suffer because they cannot actually achieve the goals set before them because they were not chosen because they were the best candidate. Affirmative action can also be perceived reverse discrimination because the people who are more qualified are sometimes overlooked because of the

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