Me Talk Pretty One Day Analysis

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Have you ever compare yourself with a famous person before? Because I know I have and especially in this class, when we have to read the book Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. A little about David Sedaris is that he is a famous American writer or humorist. He also comes from a talented family, for example his sister Amy Sedaris who is an American Actress that we I will be discussing about later in this essay, Amy is most famous by her T.v. shows Strangers with Candy. I may not be famous, a great writer or have a famous sister. I’m just average compare to him, however I do have a lot common with David Sedaris then you think. We both had go through speech therapy, we both out shadow by our siblings and final our father has a lot in common.…show more content…
David tries to avoid by being absent for his session, he also tries to outsmart his therapist by using different vocabulary. He felt he was different from the class because they didn’t have to go to the session. ”She moved her hands towards her face, and I worried that she might cry start to cry. “Hey, look,” I said “I’m thorry” [sic]” David felt bad that he made his therapist upset and apologized about it. Like David I also tried to absent for my session. I was actually was bullied because I went to these session because I wasn’t like the other kids that I had to leave the classroom for my session. Also I did felt bad to my therapist because she had me as a student and I always apologize to my therapist because I felt I let her down in so
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