Child Soldiers Satire

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Here you are on an average day at school listening to the teacher drone on and on about something you probably know from previous days. You’re already ten minutes into class and lost in your thoughts. That is, until the locked door is suddenly kicked down effortlessly and some of your class is shot down. You’re snapped into reality, that’s when you realize that these merciless men have your classmates captured and are coming for you next. Soon, your idea of an average day will turn into endless tears and acts of violence. Now, you as a reader will ask, who am I talking about? Well, I’m talking about powerless, normal kids being abducted and turned into child soldiers. Child soldiers are children under the age of eighteen who are forced to…show more content…
Millions of kids go through this everyday and it’s not going to stop. I believe child soldiers deserve amnesty because their mentality is ruined, they’re subjected to so much violence that they don’t recognize positive feelings and they’re forced to participate in violent acts without any idea of what they’re actually doing. Child soldiers are helpless, and even more so when they’re forced into something they don’t fully understand. In article six, it says that “...[child soldiers] have little choice over whether they enlist or not. After that, they are following [the] orders of adults...” Literally, it’s as if they’ve been kidnapped; no free will, no arguing. Even if the child hasn’t been abducted but enlists anyway, it’s more than likely that their decision was not in anyway well thought over, or it was their only choice (Upfront - “Child Soldiers, Prosecution”). The overarching emotion is fright, and when children normally avoid the…show more content…
But, child soldiers are familiar with the complete opposite; if you were to tell them that they were in love, they’d most likely be scared of it. So many violent emotions are implanted in their brains that the idea of a positive emotion would alarm them and they’d try their hardest to shake it off. Stockholm Syndrome: a common issue among child soldiers and their captors. Stockholm Syndrome is an emotional dilemma in which someone who has been kidnapped falls in love or depends on their kidnapper. “Child Soldiers – Reintegrating Boys and Girls Who are Victims of War” pointed out that children tend to become dependent on their captor because they recognize them as a parental figure, due to being with them a lot of the time. They are easily ripped away from their family so ridiculously fast that they seem to automatically start to depend or cling to the person(s) that abducted them. In the video called “Ishmael Beah -- Child Soldier”, where a real life survivor from his interval of child soldier tasks talks about how some genuinely began to love their captors, and how scared they were when that started and didn’t stop. This proves that these children are so influenced by the violent emotions that when they feel positive, they are very confused. Some of these kids were so separated from their family that they don’t even recognize what that feeling could possibly be. When child soldiers are kept together
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