Racism And Stereotypes In Cartoons

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Nothing was better than waking up early on Saturday mornings and tuning in to watch cartoons. When kids watched cartoons such as Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry, they never took to consideration what the episode is actually trying to say. They just notice the different animations and sound effects that each cartoon did during the episode. Now as adults, re-watching those old cartoon episodes open up people eyes and helps the viewer capture the actual meaning of the content of that particular episode. Watching a few Bugs Bunny cartoons, one would notice a few scenes that never would have caught their eye before and would actually see what the writer was trying to display for the audience. In some episodes of Bugs Bunny, racism and stereotypes were…show more content…
According to Henry Jenkins, the Provost’s Professor of Communications, Journalism, and Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California, in the article, Playing with Stereotypes in Wresling and Animation, Jenkins states “In the 1930s and 1940s in particular, there were some really racist stereotypes used in animation”. Major animation studios such as Warner Brothers, Metro Goldwyn Mayor, Walter Lants, and other animation studios, produced unnecessary stereotypes of different type of ethnic groups such as Blacks, Japanese, Germans, and other groups. Racism in animated cartoons originated and were highly influenced by newspaper comic strip in the beginning of the twentieth century. Certain newspaper comic strips writers such as Winsor McCays, Will Eisner, R. Crumb, and other comic strip writers, displayed racial scenes in their comics, which helped inspire cartoon producers to start displaying short racial scenes and skits in their own work as well. Cartoons contained images and scenes that can be classified by todays standards as inappropriate and unacceptable for present day cartoons. Cartoon animists did not think that the cartoons they were creating were not racist because during that time, it was acceptable to think like that. Now if one happens to view a cartoon that displayed the characteristics the cartoon had in to todays cartoons, it would be considered racist. One cartoon animist, Tex Avery, was one of the…show more content…
Propaganda is used to influence people mentally in order to change the normal perception of an idea or thing. According to Sarah Tam in the article, Dissecting the Rabbit, During World War II, the cartoon industry unified and created propaganda films and cartoons satirizing the war with obvious anti German and anti Japanese overtones. “Nips the Nips” was a United States wartime propaganda cartoon that was released right in the middle of World War II during America’s struggles. This Bugs Bunny cartoon reflected the attitude of the United States had on Japan at the time because it was only two years after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The Japanese soldiers in the cartoon are displayed as classic stereotypes of the typical Japanese person: short, bucktoothed, and straight lines for their eyes. The creators of the Japanese characters made the Japanese men short because in Japanese people are short in real life. According to the CDC, and graphic artist Nickolay Lamm in the article, What The Average Man's Body Looks Like Around The World, men from Japan have the smallest waistlines and heights on average of 171.4 centimeters, which is equivalent to five feet and six inches. Buck teeth stereotype includes the two middle incisors sticking out of the mouth and is most common to Japanese, Chinese, and other people from the Asia continent. According to the

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