Martin Luther King Jr.: What Makes A Great Leader?

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What makes a leader? I think that there a many things that constitute a a great leader. A leader must be able to carry out tasks and assignments. They also have to be willing to listen as well as give commands. As you can see there are a variety of components that make a great leader. A leader is what I like to call a "difference maker". A person that will be willing to make a change. Myself and teenagers like myself have been taught since we were young to be the difference that we wanted to see in the world but how many of us are willing to be the one. The one that will stand up against all odds and fight for the change we want to see in the world. History is filled with people that were willing to make that difference. People such as Martin…show more content…
If every single one of us would stand, despite the odds, and make a difference. There have been many leaders in this nation as well as the world, but I think the one person that has influenced me the most was Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. Dr. King was a Pastor, humanitarian, and a leader in the Civil Rights Movement for Africa-Americans. Ever since I first learned about Martin Luther King Jr. I admired all that he accomplished. I admired the courage and strength that Dr. King possessed. Despite opposition and trials he never stopped fighting for his cause. Martin Luther King was not just a leader but he was a great leader because he inspired others to make a difference as well. He did not keep his desire and passion for changing the world to himself, he inspired everyone that he had an encounter with to be the change they wanted to see in the world. Another characteristic of a great leader is one that is able to control their fear so they can continue to be an effective leader. No one ever said that being a leader would not be a frightening feeling. Being someone that is willing to make a difference takes
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