Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper

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Born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King Jr., son of Martin Luther King, Sr., and Alberta Williams King became one of the most influential people in the world. Martin Luther King Jr. was not the kind of person to just give up on something that he found important. He went above and beyond all the expectations of society. Martin Luther King Jr. graduated from three colleges, became the minister of a baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama, and led the bus boycott of 1955 and 1956. He was also the leader of the March on Washington that consisted of over 250,000 people. This all started with a man in a church. Martin Luther King Jr. was raised a Christian, and he believed that one day he would do something to change all of…show more content…
Martin Luther King III became an American human rights advocate and community activist, Yolanda Denise King became an American activist and a public speaker, Dexter Scott King is an activist, an author and an actor. Bernice Albertine King didn’t quite stick with the rest of her siblings seeing as she became a lawyer, a minister, and an activist. Yolanda Denise King only lived to be 52 years old. She died on May 15, 2007, which is one year after her mother died. Yolanda Denise King died in Santa Monica, California from congestive heart failure and continues to be remembered as a great…show more content…
was an incredible man whose dreams were never too far away that he couldn’t accomplish them. Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to make a difference and stand out. You’re never too young(or old) to make an impact.“Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”(King) Martin Luther King Jr. stuck with what he believed and pressed on until he made it happen. Martin Luther King Jr.’s house still stands today and can be visited in Atlanta, Georgia. People have started making stories and movies about Martin Luther King Jr. and how he changed the world for the better. There are multiple books, movies, and documentaries about Martin Luther King Jr. Even though Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t alive to see what the world today has become because of him, doesn’t mean we should continue as if everything he fought for didn’t even exist. We still resort to violence as if it was the only resolution, but it’s not. Martin Luther King Jr. is an inspiration to me because of his bravery and courage to die for what he believed. He sacrificed so much to gain even more. I don’t think I would have the courage to speak in front of millions of people and sacrifice what means so much to me to prove a point. He lived a spectacular life full of people who loved him and cared for him. He spent all of his
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