Martin Luther King I Have A Dream Rhetorical Analysis

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Leaders become great not because of their powers, but because of their ability to empower others (best25). We have had great leaders to come through the United States to deliver great speeches about racial inequality. For example, Dr. Martin Luther King, George W. Bush, William J Clinton, and Barack Obama. Dr. King I have a dream speech signified Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States and formed a civil rights movement. George W. Bush ending racial inequality speech signified a part of Dr. King’s speech by including his name and testifying everything he did. William Clinton speech talked about how if Dr. King was living he would have said you did a great job instead of I had a dream long ago. Barack Obama speech about the NAACP talked about the right we now have and how it all started one hundred years ago. Although these are great men I do believe that Dr. King had the best argument for ending racial inequality. Dr. King compares the cashing of the checks, emancipation proclamation, and by using the words I have a dream. Dr. King compares African American freedom to cashing of the…show more content…
King constantly uses the phrase I have a dream as a signification of the dream he saw in the future. He painted a visual picture of a better future for color in America. A dream is contemplating the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case(). King saw in the future that now African Americans can joins hands with Caucasian people in school and churches. King also knew in the future that we could use the bathrooms together at public places. Not to go too deep, But I believe with him being a revered God did reveal to him in a dream the new future the United States would hold. I also believe that if Dr. King was still alive today he wouldn't take all the credit, but give it all to God by following his plan. By following God's plan slavery was abolished and the United States is no longer in
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