Emmett Lojs Till Analysis

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Keith Beauchamp directed and produced a documentary named “The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till”. The documentary was based on a true story about a 14-year-old black boy from Chicago named Emmett Till. In 1955, Till the only child of Mamie Till (Mobley), went down South to Money, Mississippi to spend his summer vacation with his great uncle and cousins. Emmitt Till raised in Chicago did not fully understand how to behave as an African American in the south during the Jim Crow Era. Till whistled at a white woman by the name of Carolyn Bryant. After hearing what Till had done, Carolyn’s husband Roy Bryant and his half Brother JW Milium kidnapped Emmett Tills from his Grandfathers house in the middle of the night. Three days Emmett Tills was found dead barb wired to a seventy-pound cotton gin fan in the Tallahatchie River. Till beaten so bad, he was unrecognizable, the only thing that identified Till was a ring given by his mother that belonged to his father. Authorities wanted to bury Emmett’s body immediately, however, Tills mother Mamie, stopped the burial of her son in Mississippi, then had his body shipped back to Chicago. Mamie had to demand the casket be opened, once she saw what had been done to her son she knew she had to seek justice for his murder. When the funeral director asked Mamie if and she needed him to be cleaned up. Mamie…show more content…
A photojournalist from Jet magazine asked to take pictures to so that the public could see what the white men had done. Jet magazine published and circulated photos of the mutilated and decomposed body of murdered 14-year-old Emmett Till. Emmett Tills murder was the spark that got the Civil Rights Movement started. Al Sharpton made a profound statement about Mamie. He Said that “Mrs.Mabley was able to bring home what a thousand speeches could not, she made America deal with it’s ugly racial problem” (Beauchamp

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