Malaysia Airlines Case Study

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4.0 RECOMMENDATION FOR MALAYSIAN AIRLINES To resolve the problem face by Malaysia Airline company, MAS should learn from our neighbourhood national carrier which is Singapore Airline. Thus, AirAsia also show the example to be the world best low cost carrier. 4.1 IMPLEMENT STRATEGY FROM SINGAPORE AIRLINE Singapore Airline also known as SIA is the world second best airline in 2015 World Airline Award. It is the improvement result which from third ranking in 2014 climb to second ranking. The reason our neighbour country airline became the top 2 in the world is because they give out good service to customer. Besides that, SIA has a special department where all of their innovations are coined by employees. The Product Innovation Department (PID)…show more content…
Tony Fernandes, the brainchild of this company, maintains a good relationship between his employees creating a work environment that is enjoyable to the employees. Fernandes adopted a ‘walk around’ management style in which he works on the ground or in the cabin crew. This management style, better known as “Walk the Talk”, offers a better leadership where business decisions are made based on one’s own experience. In the hospitality industry, a great leader must walk the talk. In MAS, their former CEO, Idris Jala, introduced the idea of “MH” or better known as ‘Malaysian Hospitality’ which added the value of best hospitality service. However, this only enhanced the perception towards MAS as the best hospitality service since the CEO himself does not apply this concept. Even if Air Asia did not use this idea, their CEO himself goes to work with the employees for a few days every month. We believe this has a deeper impact in creating a good hospitality…show more content…
This means that employees come first before customers. We believe that having a happy workforce, the employees will look after the customer anyways. MAS should implement this in their workforce because it is a good way to have a suitable or comfortable work environment. Finally, Anti-hierarchy is what Air Asia’s CEO believes in. This relaxes formality and breaks down walls between lower level employees and upper level executives. Air Asia’s office is constructed with no walls and no doors. In this office, everybody is equal. We believe MAS should apply this concept in their workplace. This form of management allows everyone to speak up and it gets ‘every brain in the game’. It not only creates a more relaxed workplace, the work produced will also be more

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