Making A Good Choice: Choices And Influence Outcomes

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“The choices we make lead up to actual experiences. It is one thing to decide to climb a mountain. It is quite another to be on top of it.” -Herbert A. Simon. This quote means that you have to finish your choice. If you don't finish your choice, there will not be an outcome. If you complete your choice and it's a good choice, you will receive a good outcome. This quotation communicates that choices influence outcomes. If you make a good decision, you will have a good outcome. If you make a bad decision, you will have a bad outcome. This quotation communicates that you need to empower yourself to keep trying so you get the outcome you want. You can say you are going to do something but you need to empower yourself to do it. Your emotions influence a decision if you are angry, you would make a…show more content…
The outcome makes a decision good or bad. If you have a good outcome, you made a good choice and vice versa. The severity makes the consequences of our decisions differ. If you make a very bad decision, like robbing, you could go to jail. If you make a good decision, there will be no consequences. Choices lead up to the outcomes. If you make a bad choice, you will receive a bad outcome. Choices affect outcomes because they impact the future, some are good some are bad, and they reflect one's character. Choices impact the future. First, The Elevator states, “He ran for the stairs... He only had to drag himself up one and a half flights with the terrible pain in his leg... It was a simple fracture... But he was condemned to the elevator now” (sleator 30). Martin's choice to run for the stairs impacted the future. He fractured his leg. He did all of this running because of the fat lady. If Martin would have stayed

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