Public Choice Theory: The Public Theory Of Bureaucracy

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3 Theory of Bureaucracy The public concept of bureaucracy suggest the need for sweeping reforms in the public sector to avoid concentrating power on the in nonelected institution, to forge a strong link between citizens preference and government action, and to bring the political system generally into a closer embrace of democratic value (Ostrom 1985:242 public choice argues that such reform should rely on the introduction of market force into the arena of public service provision. Competition and choice in a market for public service, according to public choice theory, should improve the quality of public good, reduce their cost and increase citizen’s satisfaction. This perspective vision has a normative cast that was recognized and amplified by public choice scholars. Ostrom (1998:14) and others argued that public choice theory represented a truly democratic theory of public administration. In terms of bureaucracy as one of the approach of public choice theory, what is happening currently in south Africa is that bureaucracy has made the government of south Africa to be ineffective in the provision of service delivery to the citizens, the model of bureaucracy…show more content…
Public choice is essentially described as the application of economics to political science in a way to understand problems of entirety preferences in collective decision making (Muller 1997:22). Constitutional political economy mainly focus widely on the role of the rules in structuring and constraining decision making, drifting the terrain from choice within rules to the choice of the higher constitutional rule. As Buchanan and Brennan (1980:10) put it, if rules influence results and if someone is better than other, it follows one way or the other the rules can be chosen, the literature and analysis of comparative rules and institution becomes relevant object of our

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