Fate Vs. Free Will In The Seafarer

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In the Anglo Saxon Era, the theme of fate v. free will was represented in many texts and this shows the people of that era strongly believed the God controlled their fate. In the epic poem The Seafarer “A fool is the one who does not fear his Lord-- death comes to him unprepared. Blessed is he who lives humbly-- to him comes forgiveness from heaven. God set that spirit within him,because he believed in His might (Shmoop 116-118).” In these lines show the connection between fate and God. People believed that God has something planned for everyone on earth and if we do not complete or live in a humble manner then upon our death we don’t get to go to the heavenly home.The narrator is speaking about people who don’t live in manner that God wants…show more content…
free will is still somewhat viewed the same way it was in the Anglo Saxon Era and the Middle Ages however more and more people are starting to believe more in free will than fate. In an article on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The lord of the rings the author says “Forces exist that try to exert or impose their will for good or ill. But while these forces can influence, they cannot wholly divest control from beings of free will.(Henry David Thoreau 1)” while certain circumstances can help to steer us in a specific direction we ultimately get to choose where we go. Sometimes, however; you cannot escape your fate there are events set in motion that you cannot fight although we are free to make our own choices these circumstances beyond our control (fate) help steer our free will as Gandalf tells Frodo “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.(Henry David Thoreau 1)” People have started using fate as an excuse for why things are happening or why they are going to happen whether its for good reasons or bad ones. One example of someone using fate as a way to explain their actions is in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein "I thank you," he replied, "for your sympathy, but it is useless; my fate is nearly fulfilled. I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace.” Victor says

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