Essay About Cancer In The Philippines

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1.1 Introduction In the Philippines, cancer is the third in the ranks of the top leading causes of death according to Department of Health-Health Intelligence Service. 75% of cancer in the Philippines occur after the age of 50 and 3% occur at the age of 14 and below. An estimation of one for every 1,800 Filipinos develop cancer and for one out of two cancers diagnosed annually, one Filipino would die within the year. In the present generation where almost everything is instant and easy-to-access, people, not only Filipinos, are expected to be more susceptible to cancer due to the increasing number of vices and harmful technologies which expose us to several cancer-causing elements. It will be a challenge for the Philippines’ medical industry and hospitals to…show more content…
Dr. Jones (1969), Professor of Medical Physics & Physiology at Berkeley, found that the life expectancy of the people who did not undergo conventional treatments appeared to live four times longer than those who did (1969 Science Writers Conference of the ACS). Most of these patients who did not make chemotherapy an option, went to perpetuating naturopathy. Naturopathy is a medical practice that uses natural, non-toxic therapies to treat cancer and promotes self-healing through the enhancement of the immune system. It is a holistic approach to treat cancer because it is non-invasive and it implies quality-of-life procedures which are convenient and more effective for cancer patients. There are many forms of naturopathy, including: herbal and botanical treatment; homeopathic remedies; physical therapy; hydrotherapy; acupuncture; chiropractic care and; the one present here in the Philippines,

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