Causes And Consequences Of The Iraqi Invasion Of Kuwait

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Extended essay By: Landi Polus Subject: History Words: Title: The causes and consequences of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. RQ: What were the biggest causes and consequences of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait? Thesis: Although Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to rebuild its economy, the consequence of the war made the economy worse. Abstract at age 20, Saddam joined the revolutionary pan-Arab Ba’ath party and in 1964 he becomes the prime minister or the leader of Iraq. Saddam made the economy…show more content…
It was commanded by Saddam Hussein which is the dictatorial leader of Iraq who wanted full power and often saw himself as the leader of the Arab World. The invasion followed developments of 100 years. In reaction to this, the United States formed a coalition of 31 countries. The war broke out and Iraq was forced to withdraw from Kuwait. 10,000 to 100,000 Iraqis killed wounded of Iraqi soldiers were killed in the war, also known as the Gulf War. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in the beginning the government of Kuwait wasn’t ready to fight against Iraq, the people of Kuwait helped each other, and they were also helped by other countries, such as the US, Egypt, and Sweden. Then later on Iraqi army left the Kuwait, because Most of the countries were with US so it was hard for Iraqi army to stay in Kuwait, and even the UN was agent the invasion. Only few Arab countries were with Iraq but all the other countries supported US. Throughout the Cold War, Iraq had been an ally of the Soviet Union. For more than ten years after the war Iraq lived under strict economic sanctions that resulted in the death of hundreds of Iraqi civilians, especially children, for lack of food and

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