Local Area Development Case Study

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ASSIGNMENT NO. 2 ON COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF 10TH,11TH & 12TH FIVE YEAR PLANS SUBMITTED BY: SANDEEP SHEORAN ROLL NO.- E324548 INTRODUCTION The plans which are formulated by the central government and financed by it for the implementation at the national level are known as Central Plans. The centre has launched three such plans and the governments have maintained continuity in their implementation. The three central plans are :- 1. Five year plans, 2. Twenty- point programme, and 3. Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme. We are now going to discuss only about the FYP’s , and an introductory description of 10th, 11th , and 12th five year plans are given as follows: Tenth Plan (2002-07): The plan commenced with the objectives…show more content…
Policy and institutional reforms in each sector i.e., reforms in the PSUs , legal reforms , administrative reforms , labour reforms etc., 7. Agriculture sector declared as the prime moving force (PMF) of the economy, 8. Increased emphasis on the social sector (i.e. education , health , etc.), 9. Relevance between the processes of economic reforms and planning emphasized; etc. The mid-term appraisal of the plan was approved by the NDC in june 2005. The assessment gives a mixed picture regarding its performance. As per the appraisal , the country performed well in many areas and these gains needed to be consolidated but there were some important weaknesses also, which, if not corrected can undermine even the current performance level. Eleventh plan (2007-12): The plan targets a growth rate of 10 percent and emphasis the idea of “inclusive growth”. In the approach paper , the PC shows its concern regarding realizing the growth targets on account of the compulsions towards the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act. In recent times some aberrations in the economy have started to increase the Government concerns in meeting the plan target of the 10 percent growth. The major concerns…show more content…
Special problems of Tribal Development. In respect of agriculture, the mid term appraisal notes that though agriculture performance and the rate of growth in the eleventh plan is likely to be better then that in the tenth plan, it may, however, not reach the target of 4 % per year. The need for attention to agriculture and other critical issues mentioned above would require concerted action by the centre and the states. The review by the PC regarding the Poverty Estimates is also important when the issue has become matter of debate in the country. The Planning Commission is the nodal agency for estimating poverty in the country both at national level and across the states. The planning commission estimates the the poverty on the basis of poverty line defined in terms of monthly per capita consumption expenditure. The commission has been estimating poverty line and poverty ratio since 1997 on the basis of the methodology contained in the report of the Expert Group on “Estimation of Number and Proportion Of Poor” (known as Lakdawala committee report). The head count poverty ratio has been estimated by using the above mentioned poverty lines from a large size sample survey of household consumption expenditure carried out by the National Sample Survey Office with an interval of 5 years

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