Literature Review On Public Expenditure

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PUBLIC ECONOMICS CIA I Topic: Article review on public expenditure policies of the Government Submitted By, Nohin Pappy Nelson 1313612 III BA Economics Honours Kalbe Abbas. Public Expenditure and Analysis. The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 44. No. 22 (Summer 2005), pp. 226-230 The paper mainly aims to accord to the public sector reforms by enhancing the Government in the public expenditure analysis that is to expend the benefits to the grass root levels in the developing nations. It tries to balance the scale of tax burden and public spending and calculates the performance of the government according to the benefits given to the poor, weak, disadvantaged and minority sections of the society. The whole book is a perfect…show more content…
It shows the direct and indirect costs that the government has to incur during the disposal of its functions in the form of public spending. The author has done an intensive research on the topic in order to bring out the fact about public spending. Many a times the beneficiaries don’t even think or doesn’t even know about the costs that the government incurs in order to dispose the funds for the public. The article is written in simple language with a lot of examples which will equip the reader with thorough knowledge about the different parameters about the costs for public spending. Thus the author has done a tremendous job in bringing out the real facts and the sacrifices and costs that the Government has to incur in order to dispose their functions in a justifiable…show more content…
In most of the articles about public expenditure, only the resource cost is shown as the cost that the government has to suffer. The article describes the various costs that are actually incurred by the Government at the time of the disposal of its funds. It acts as an eye opener to the readers who would have had no idea about the expenditure that the government had to incur in order to dispose its functions. It has explained all the concepts in a very simple but precise way which further helps the audience to understand the theories in an easier way. Both the articles that I have selected for reviewing are mainly based upon the public expenditure policies by the government. The former article deals with the costs that the economy has to incur if the government fails to dispose its functions efficiently whereas the latter one deals with the direct and indirect costs that the government has to incur in order to dispose the funds efficiently. Thus the essay acts as a weighing scale for the bureaucrats to choose between the various combinations of costs that are needed to be spend in order for the government to work efficiently, keeping in mind the welfare of the society as a

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