Bretton Woods Analysis

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International Monetary System before Bretton Woods: When the World War 1 took place, the standard of 190 countries were greatly affected and suffered in exchange rate flexibility. In the ongoing decade, the Britain tried to fix the situation by restoring the gold backup, making efforts to improve the standards by adopting the old prewar (before World War 1) par value of its pound. However, the par value of the Britain pound kept increasing and became overvalued which started to cause problems for Britain to make payments. Decline in the Economic Activity: The decline of economic activity occurred in 1930’s, which caused tremendous problems of payments for the other countries. Government was greatly troubled regarding its countries, thus started…show more content…
These various caused great reductions in the volume and value of international trade & also most likely worsened the Great Depression thus the low level of economic activity continued till 1930s. Key Features of Bretton Woods System: The Bretton Woods System as a monetary management system was set as rules for commercial and financial relations among the world’s major industrial nations. The Planners of Bretton Woods established the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and WB (World Bank). The reason they were established was due to regulate the monetary system internationally. After the satisfactory agreement by the countries, the system started its operation in 1946. There are three main key features of the Bretton Woods system namely- Monetary, Conduct, Internal and External Imbalances and Exchange Base Currency; Monetary Policy…show more content…
The main focus was to come up with a common currency to regulate the currency system which was less rigid than the Gold Standard while providing the same stability. Proponents of the system- H. D. White and J. M. Keynes, proposed the need to create an international reserve for payments and settlement for international transactions, to regulate and solve the monetary problems, arrange a pool where member countries would contribute and give loans to member countries in case of Balance of Payment deficit. Besides the design of Bretton Woods System was also designed to overcome the weaknesses of the former classical gold standard system. Bretton Woods System have the hand on exchange rate system it aim was to eliminate foreign exchange restrictions and create an efficient payment system of International Trade. The system focused to encourage the countries to maintain low inflation and be competitive enough to compete their rival countries and provide a stable exchange rate system to encourage investment and economic growth. The Bretton Woods System main aim was to make the economy a better place
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