The Importance Of Water In Jamaica

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The United Nation declares water as a basic human right in 2010. But in some country, this is not true. The problems of negligence, corruption, a lack of accountability among other issues, undermine people's right to water and sanitation. The water is only 2.5% Earth's water is freshwater in this world, so it is important. In the world there are 884 million people don't have access to clean water and 2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation. Which is 40% of the world's population. Most of the people who have access to fresh water categorized who can use 5 liters per person for the toilet flush. Also, using 2 liters for per day for food preparation. The water can check whether it's safe or not which free from microorganisms, chemical substances and radiological hazards that constitute a threat to health. The…show more content…
And if these dry seasons are longer than usual they will have a drought. Also, they don't have good water treatment, so Jamaica has lack of fresh water and accountability. Jamaica is located 140 km south of Cuba and 190 km west of Haiti. Jamaica is tropical, hot whole year but there's few degree difference between winter and summer. In winter time, the daytime temperatures are about 27/30 °C (81/86°F), and night-time temperatures about 20/23°C (68/73°F). The capital Kingston which located a southern coast is slightly warmer in winter. The maximum temperature is about 30 °C (86°F) even in January. Difference between summer and winter is rainfall and air humidity. A Rainy season which is April to October is it hot

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