Lisbon Strategy Analysis

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Lisbon Strategy In order to properly understand the task we have chosen, one has to hold a basic knowledge of the Lisbon Strategy. Primarily because the Lisbon Strategy is the point of origin for the task we have chosen, which can be seen in this extract from the Council of Europe (2000) “The Union has today set itself a new strategic goal for the next decade: to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.” Lisbon European Council, Precidency Conclusions(23-24.04.2000) Available at: (22.11.2015) In addition, the goals and measures implemented through the Lisbon Strategy has a continuous effect on the development…show more content…
Therefore the Lisbon Strategy depended on, and managed, to build a general consensus on reforms that the EU need in order to reach their goals. Particularly the 2005 renewal of the Lisbon Strategy helped the development of agreements and consensus towards goals and aims. Perhaps the most important aspect of the 2005 renewal of the Lisbon Strategy were the definition of four priority areas. The areas defined as priority areas being research and innovation, investing in people/modernising labour markets, unlocking business potential, and energy/climate change. Through defining these priority areas, the EU took an important step towards providing much needed political focus on implementing and working towards fulfilling the goals of the Lisbon Strategy. Throughout the Member States the priority areas are now in the political highlight, which displays both the Lisbon Strategy, and the EU’s ability both to affect the political agenda in countries, and to encourage political…show more content…
Although the strategy had some success, the failed aspects had too much impact on the overall assessment. This is why EU decided to create the ”Europe 2020” strategy(1.3.1). Europe 2020 is a ten-year job and growth strategy. It was launched in 2010, and its intention was to create the conditions for smart, innovative, sustainable and inclusive growth. This strategy was in many ways a development of the previous Lisbon Strategy, and its objective is to achieve success in the failed targets. EU targeted five headlines that are to be reached by 2020, and they cover climate/energy, research and development, employment, education and social inclusion and poverty reduction. In order to make sure that these targets are to be reached as intended, they have developed seven key initiatives which we will explain in the following

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