Land Survey Disadvantages

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1.5.4 ADVANTAGES OF REMOTE SENSING • Synoptic View: It facilitates the study of various features of earth surface in their spatial relation to each other and helps to delineate the required features and phenomenon. • Accessibility: It makes it possible to gather information about inaccessible areas where it Is not possible to gather information through ground surveys. • Time: These techniques save time and efforts as information about large area can be Gathered quickly. • Multidisciplinary Application: Remote sensing data are useful to different disciplines Such as geology, fisheries, forestry, land use etc. • Relatively cheap and rapid method of acquiring up-to-date information over a large Geographical area. 1.5.5 DISADVANTAGES OF REMOTE…show more content…
(ICWRCOE 2015) The work involved is of twofold. The actual field survey has been carried out by total station and the storage capacity is found. In the second step, Survey of India toposheet and Satellite data of 2002, 2009 and 2011 is used to generate the land use land cover map and the study has been carried out to identify the changes in land use land cover pattern in the vicinity of the lake. The volume of Mannapalla lake is obtained to be 690650.3m3 using prismoidal method. There is significant change in Land use pattern has been observed from 2002 to 2011, i.e. the area under vegetation has considerably decreased and more buildings and structures have…show more content…
Rawat and Manish Kumar The present study illustrates the spatio-temporal dynamics of land use/cover of Hawalbagh block of district Almora, Uttarakhand, India. Landsat satellite imageries of two different time periods, i.e., Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) of 1990 and 2010 were acquired by Global Land Cover Facility Site (GLCF) and earth explorer site and quantify the changes in the Hawalbagh block from 1990 to 2010 over a period of 20 years. Supervised classification methodology has been employed using maximum likelihood technique in ERDAS 9.3 Software. The images of the study area were categorized into five different classes namely vegetation, agriculture, barren, built-up and water body. The results indicate that during the last two decades, vegetation and built-up land have been increased by 3.51% (9.39 km2) and 3.55% (9.48 km2) while agriculture, barren land and water body have decreased by 1.52% (4.06 km2), 5.46% (14.59 km2) and 0.08% (0.22 km2), respectively. The paper highlights the importance of digital change detection techniques for nature and location of change of the Hawalbagh

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