Wireless Network Advantages And Disadvantages

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II. SETTING THE STAGE FOR HIGH-DENSITY DEPLOYMENTS Every wireless networking protocol that we have today is comprise between three basic ideas: 1) Simplicity 2) Efficiency 3) Flexibility Simplicity is important because it makes it easy for engineers to debug the network and fix any issues it might be facing. It also makes it easier to find capable engineers to work on the network. Efficiency in this context refers to things like throughput, data rate that define how well the network is performing. Flexibility is a measure of how well the network responds to variables such as the number of connected devices. In this part we shall focus on the current existing technologies that wearable devices can use. We will try and examine the pros and cons of…show more content…
However, it only uses Time Division Multiplexing. This introduces several known disadvantages of this method of multiplexing. Such as the necessity of extra guard time and synchronizing. It also not well equipped to handle continuous signals , which is what Wireless signals actually is. The biggest issue with the Wireless HD standard is that it does not have any way of resource negotiation on the network level. This means that whenever two Wireless networks are in contact (Spatially, Temporally or Frequency-wise), they will interfere with each other and both will fail. A year after the Wireless HD standard was released, the Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig) standard was announced. This alliance is formed by heavyweights in the technology sector such as Apple, DELL, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, Sony, Samsung, Toshiba and many more. The specification for this standard include high data rates up to 7Gbit/s and support for low power and high performance. However, from the point of view of wearables, it suffers from the same problem as Wireless HD. Not much support for the coexistence of several networks (However, it’s slightly better than the Wireless HD in that it supports up to four networks). Then a year after the WiGig standard, came the current best technology for wearables. Its name is the ECMA 387 released by the ECMA International standards body (Mostly known for the the JavaScript programming language). This standard also…show more content…
As we know that the radio signals are reflected by the walls of the vehicles and reducing the stoppage effect that might happen normally by the objects. Therefore; by utilizing the variation of ray tracing model, we can successfully find the effective coverage area of a given device inside the vehicle. In our research, if we are going to assume the free propagation (space) which no one can lock up the path between the positions of TX and RX, with the conventional loss for that specific path which is equal to 15 dB/Km in plausible conditions according to ITU specifications – International Telecommunication Union. When the LOS line of sight between the RX and TX is blocked by people; Here, we are going to assume that the incident radio waves are scattered because of the fact that humans having the refection coefficient 0.4 at both 5 Hz and 60 Hz and thus the by some indirect paths; the respective transmission can reach the receiver. Regarding the wireless energy, which can be reflected from the materials made by metal like walls, floor or ceiling of vehicles which lead to some reflection with minimal attenuation or scattering, and the path loss can be easily determined based on geometric optics principles. MOVIA subway train car is adopted which is normally used in some large metropolitan areas like Shanghai, London, San Francisco and more

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