Kings Island Vacation

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One of my most cherished vacations was when I went to Kings Island with my friends. I went on this vacation the summer before my senior year started. From this vacation I learned a really valuable lesson that, no matter how bad a situation may seem it will always get better. In July 2015, my friends and I went to Kings Island. The people that went with me were, my fiends Bryce, Courtney, and Emily. We all had to get up really early if we wanted to get there on time. So Bryce and I got up at 7:30 and went to go pick up Courtney and Emily from Courtney’s house at around 7:45. Before, we went on the road we all made sure that we had our tickets with us. Which we thought we all did. At around 10:30 we finally made it. So when we all got out of

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