King Louis XIV

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Exquisite luxury, pulchritude, and materialism—qualities many of us try to capture, but only some of us can achieve. Louis XIV was a connoisseur of the fine art of opulence, and he demonstrates so with his brilliant creation of the Palace of Versailles. Versailles was more than Louis’ was his dream, his passion, his playground, and his realm of command. It was also his method of showing of his wealth, power, and divine status as an absolute monarch. Every section of the Palace of Versailles had one sole purpose: to demonstrate the power of Louis XIV and his quasi-God status. Even the social relations among those who lived in Versailles demonstrated that Louis IV was at the top of the pyramid, and he ruled as the pharaoh of France,…show more content…
These mirrors were strategically placed in such a manner that they would reflect sunlight coming into the palace. One of Louis’ nicknames was the Sun King, and perhaps such a name was given to him as he pranced through the Hall of Mirrors and saw his aura light up each time he looked into the glass. This entire hall was for himself, once again asserting his importance in the palace. Perhaps it was an attempt to validate himself as the absolute monarch. Going past the Hall of Mirrors, we witness the Throne Room, in which Louis XIV would be addressed as “his Majesty.” Ceremonies, coronations, and council were all held here. Many guests circulated through the Throne Room, and as Jerry D. Moore states in The Prehistory of Home, perhaps this was to show “and enhance privilege and position” (159). A position as high as kingship is almost worthless unless it shown off to those in control. The Throne Room was also a fixed political domain. All royal orders would be declared officially from the Throne Room ("Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution."). However, the most important of the Louis’ day occurred in the King’s apartment. He would walk across this chamber and look over roughly one hundred French citizens who specifically came to witness Louis XIV. This quotidian event, known as Grand Levee, people would follow along as Louis walked across the corridor. Some folks were able to speak with the king briefly, or slip him a written note—an opportunity peasants and those of middle class died for, as Louis XIV held a divine celebrity status ("History Versailles through the Centuries."). Louis XIV regularly asserted his power daily through the various chambers of his home. He was simply the apex of the Palace of Versailles, unchallenged by any other empire or peasant

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