Meyer Lansky: Prohibition And Organized Crime

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Meyer Lansky: Prohibition & Organized Crime [your name] [course #: course name] [date] Meyer Lansky's real name was Meyer Suchowljansky. He was born on July 04, 1902 in Russia, and died in Miami Beach, Florida on January 15, 1983. Lansky is Jewish, and while many Jewish Americans made positive contributions to the Jewish culture and American life, he became a powerful figure in organized crime. It was during Prohibition that he made a name for himself. Lansky lived in "the volatile streets of the Lower East Side that lured Lansky into crime" . In other words, he was born into poverty, and it was difficult for him to find a job when he reached a working age. It was due to his struggles with poverty that he sought to…show more content…
Lansky helped to develop a network of "moonshiners", the manufacturers, and distributors. Furthermore, he helped to establish a link between the manufacturers, the distributors, and the speakeasies. This would shorten the fermentation process, enabling them to sell the “booze” more quickly . The quicker they sold the “booze” the less likely they were to get caught, or arrested. Due to the “poisonous” ingredients, “fatalities increased by more than 500 percent” . This appalling statistic did not deter “moonshiners” or “bootleggers.” In fact, the underground industry grew exponentially, because of the demand for the product, as well as the amount of money that one could potentially make. Lansky did the accounting for major crime bosses during…show more content…
To elaborate, “gangsters” controlled parts of specific neighborhoods throughout different cities. In other words, if neighborhood ‘A’ was his domain, and he sold alcohol to all the “speakeasies” in that neighborhood, no one else could conduct similar business ventures in his “territory” . If a “gangster” wanted to expand his “territory”, he would have to have a war with one of the other “gangsters.” Lansky helped criminal organizations expand because of his meticulous accounting. This led to bloodshed on the streets in many cities. Some of the victims were members of rival gangs. However, most of the victims were innocent bystanders who got caught in the war. Even police officers who were murdered weren’t innocent. They took bribes, and warned the “gangsters” if the federal officials were going to raid their “joint” then people would get killed

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