Mark Antony's Persuasive Speech

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In the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus both give speeches at the funeral of Caesar. From research and background information, it is known that Brutus and Antony were good friends of Caesar’s. However, Brutus turned on Caesar and so did Antony, but Antony took no part in the assassination of Julius Caesar. At the funeral, Brutus allows Antony to speak under two conditions: only after he does and he must not speak against the conspirators. Because of this, two factors allow Antony’s speech to be more effective: trickery and the last word. Mark Antony has the most persuasive speech because he uses sentiment, or “PATHOS,” and position, or “ETHOS,” to explain what happened among the conspirators along with…show more content…
He seems to know that the audience will buy his excuse for the murder of the dictator. This is inferred when he asks, “Who is here so base that would be a bondman? Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman? Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him I have offended.” The people respond with, “None, Brutus, none.” However, does one truly think that the citizens of Rome are not offended at all after their brave, powerful, and sympathetic dictator has been murdered? Brutus continues to justify himself because he doesn’t quite believe he turned on one of his closest friends. He even admits that, “As Caesar loved me,” which clarifies that personally, Brutus did not have an accounted reason for participating in the killing of Caesar. He uses “ETHOS” to emphasize what he believes to be ‘a ruler gone wrong’. He describes Caesar as loving, fortunate, and valiant, but says that he was ambitious, which is presented in a negative way. Brutus shows good vibes to the first three characteristics of Julius Caesar. Brutus saves ambitious for last so he can follow up by saying that he slew him for this characteristic. If he had explained more on this topic, Mark Antony’s speech may not have had a strong affect like it did. Antony tricks Brutus by promising he will not mention the conspiracy and that he will speak after Brutus. However this gave Antony an advantage. Towards the…show more content…
He respects Brutus’ request of not mentioning anything bad about the conspiracy by calling Brutus, “An honourable man,” several times. Antony says, “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones,” which reveals that Brutus only spoke on the bad things of Caesar so he would have a valid excuse to kill him. This also shows that Antony believes all the good things Caesar did will be buried and never discussed again because of the assassination. He says that Caesar brought captives home and he also had compassion for the people of Rome, yet Brutus calls him ambitious. Antony explains that Caesar refused three times to accept a crown at the Lupercal festival and Brutus still calls him ambitious. Mark Antony uses “ETHOS” to describe the credibility and good of Caesar to defend his now thought ambitious side. He shows the people that Caesar loved them and he only did things for the good of Rome and its citizens. Antony has to take a moment in his speech to grieve and cry, which shows he is using “PATHOS” to make the people feel sorry for him. Citizens call him the noblest man in Rome and realize that Caesar was not ambitious. Antony says that yesterday Caesar’s words could have changed the world, but now he is dead. He says that he should reveal the truth of Brutus and Cassius, but he will not do them wrong. He says that he

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