A Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy's Speech

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Brian Wong Mr. Glowacki AP Lang P.3 7 December 2014 In 1962, America was coming out of a recession, following World War II, which had caused the economy to decline due to sharp deflation. During this time steel prices were raised by 3.5% by U.S. steel executives. In response to the raising prices, President John F. Kennedy, who called for stable prices and wages to support the recovering economy, held a news conference on April 11, 1962 to urge U.S. steel executives to lower the price of steel. The language Kennedy employs in this speech not only establishes him as a supported advocate of Americans, but also more importantly villainizes and makes U.S. steel executives feel culpable in order to ultimately reduce the price of steel. Throughout his speech Kennedy establishes himself as an advocate of American ideas that are supported not only by himself by also by other members of government. Near the beginning of the speech Kennedy shows that he…show more content…
steel executives see the faults in their policy to motivate the executives to lower the cost of steel. In case the U.S. steel executives were not motivated already, Kennedy states at the end from his inaugural address that he had “asked each American to consider what he would do for his country and [Kennedy] asked the steel companies. In the last 24 hours we had their answer” (Sorenson 162). Here Kennedy wants the U.S. steel executives to remember what an American should fundamentally do as a citizen, which is national sacrifice during a period of economic distress for the betterment of all in America. However, the U.S. steel executives are acting against that interest which is the “answer” which Kennedy has received from them and in this case is an action of which the U.S. steel executives should be ashamed

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