Julius Caesar Research Paper

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Considered to be one of the greatest military commanders in history, Gaius Julius Caesar was known for his political capabilities and unique military strategies, and till date, he’s celebrated and idolized by many people for his extreme intelligence and the way he used it to create revolutionary ideas. He had held just about every important title in the Roman Republic be it consul, tribune of the people, high commander of the army or the high priest. Caesar’s rise to power was earned through winning many battles. He won spectacular victories even when he was outnumbered. Throughout his lifetime, he conquered modern France and Germany as well as invading Britain. He used his own military strategy which is unlike any others that time. Most leaders…show more content…
He would first send in the weakest of his soldiers then afterwards, will order the middle strength group as to help the first troops. Finally, he would command the final assault in which his finest trained and elite soldiers would enter the battle to finish off anyone that the previous troops hadn’t managed to kill off. Caesar was greatly credited for his war efforts but also won the favor of the citizens by simple contributions such as: giving work and land to the poor, land and luxuries to the past members of his military and making war enemies his own comrades after defeating them. But Julius Caesar’s greatest contribution of all was that he made it possible for Rome to be ruled in peace, justice, sanctity and prosperity after the passing of his…show more content…
They also have their own weaknesses that could possibly bring their own downfall. Even the strongest leaders have their own weaknesses. In fact, we all do. Julius Caesar was no exception. Power has its own advantages and disadvantages. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” This is perhaps the most famous line spoken by the Roman dictator, Julius Caesar. Ironically, Caesar’s most powerful and strongest point was also one of his flaws and the reason of his own downfall; his ambition. He had become overconfident, ignorant and thought of himself as invincible. “What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.” Caesar said so himself that we human beings have the tendency to be entitled to our own opinions and that the more we convinced ourselves that they are true, we are more than ready to start to believe they are. Thus, we human beings succumb to ignorance, we assume that if we think it to be true, then everyone else must agree and think so too or otherwise they are wrong and falsely informed. Because he was adored, respected and feared by many, Caesar believed that no one is foolish enough to attempt and assassinate him. He was aware that he had made many enemies among the senators because of his dictatorship and his rise to maximum power but he refused to think about the possibilities, reasoning that they wouldn’t dare bring Rome to the brink of yet another civil war. A

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