Amuktamarada Vs. Krishnadeva Raya

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Introduction Through the course of history, India has been ruled by many dynasties. These dynasties were not only domestic, but also foreign, as in, there were foreign rulers who conquered India and established an empire. Out of all the domestic empires that were established in India, the Vijayanagara and the Maratha empires are two of the most celebrated, popular and great empires which emerged in the 13th and 17th centuries respectively. Both the empires gave tough competition and opposition to Muslim rule largely prevalent in India in that time. Each of the two flourished in prosperity and strength. If we look back, we can see that many of today’s laws and the legal systems of India are based on the judicial systems of these empires. These…show more content…
Hence, it would seem logical to assume that this kingdom was military in nature. Yet, the administration of the kingdom was void of military impact, liberal, benevolent, tolerant and perfect. The Amuktamalyada, written by Krishnadeva Raya, which gives an account of the administration of the empire, confirms this fact. It also states as to how the administration was flexible enough to enshroud all the diversity and heterogenity present in the kingdom, peacefully. Commenting on this administration system, T.V. Mahalingam said that such a good administration would require a strong centre of administration. The Vijayanagara Empire had this strong centre. Time and again, it was made sure that there was a strong centre. When the king was not able or right for the kingdom, the ministers did not hesitate to oust the king and make sure that the ‘Strong centre’ was maintained. However, when an able and powerful king held the throne, the social, economic and judicial administration was headed by…show more content…
The rulers believed that administration of justice, controlling disruption of peace and order was one of the most important functions of the king. Thus, the Vijayanagara Empire had a strict legal system and a strong judicial administration, which ensured that people don’t use their liberties rashly, without keeping in mind other people and disrupting the peace in society. Punishments were used as a whip to control these rash liberties of the people. These punishments played a key role in maintaining the peace and order the king

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