Joint Attention

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According to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), babies under the age of two should not be allowed to watch television at such a young age since it is shown to limit the interactions shared between a child and an adult. ( ) Studies associate that babies who watch television daily for an hour have a lower score of 2.68 in language, rather than a child who engaged more with an adult. (APP. Org, New briefs) When it comes to studies like these, parents are implied to know what is better for their child rather than a scientist and I agree, parents should know better. I believe that most parents have the best intentions when it comes to their infant’s development because unlike the scientist they are around their child 24/7, they know how to provide and care for them individually in the most suitable way possible and…show more content…
In the textbook, it states that joint attention is a process “in which two or more individuals focus on the same object or event.”(Santrock, pg.146) For instance, making television time interactive would be an example of joint attention because the parent or adult could pause the video they are watching and point out an object and tell the child what it’s function is and what it is called. One of the befits that is linked to join attention is that children are able to “enhance the relevance of attending items”( Santrock, pg.147) which basically means that babies are able to decrease the length of delay for their age group. I found this interesting and as I continued to read about join attention I concluded that as a society we will constantly be involving in technology, so why not find a way in which we can use it towards our
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