Impingement Syndrome Case Study

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Questions: 1. Define “Shoulder impingement syndrome” and relate this diagnostic term to the underlying anatomical structures. This happens when subacromial space narrows and structures beneath are compressed/ tendons are irritated causing an inflammatory response. Usually caused by overhead arm movements like swimming or pitching a ball. When the arm is raised in these situations the space narrows. Anatomical structures within the subacromial space include, supraspinatus muscle, subacromial bursa and the tendon of long head of biceps. Other structures involved in impingement include the tendons of the rotator cuff and humerus. Impingement syndrome can occur with rotator cuff weakness which allows the humerus to drift more superiorly, or with overuse of rotator cuff which causes irritation. 2. Identify 2 clinical tests that are performed by…show more content…
If patient experiences pain around GH joint patient must alert clinician. patient should continue abducting the arm. At 120 degrees of abduction pain will reduce. After completion of abduction movement patient will reverse the motion. Test is positive if patient experiences pain between 60 and 120 degrees of abduction. Both of these tests would illicit an inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon located within the subacromial space. 3. Define a “Superior Labral Anterior to Posterior (SLAP) tear” and relate this diagnostic term to the underlying anatomical structures. SLAP tear consists of an injury to the labrum of shoulder. The head of the humerus fits into the glenoid fossa. Surrounding this is the labrum. The labrum deepens the socket and stabilizes the GH joint. A SLAP tear involves the top area of the labrum which is also where the biceps tendon is located. 4. Identify 2 clinical tests that are performed by the clinician in the physical exam that test for the presence of a “SLAP tear”. Describe each of the tests and relate the relevant anatomy to the special tests for a “SLAP

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