John Stuart Mill Analysis

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Who is John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)? When it comes to freedom, especially freedom of expression John Stuart Mill is one of the most important philosophers which come to mind. Mill tried to do a reveal distinctive, consistent, and totalitarian synthesis. In essence, Mill drift with the tide of critical socialist philosophers. Nonetheless, Mill was not characterizing as socialist. At the core of Mill's thought there is strong emphasis on freedom. Mill believed that humanity inevitably evolved towards democratic governance. Representative Democracy Representative democracy is a form of democracy which people elect their representatives to make decisions for them in the democratic countries. Any system of government even the most radical participatory…show more content…
His claim is that despotism leads to passiveness and inaction. This affects not only the individuals themselves, but also the likely prosperity of the state. Mill would accept that representative democracy can fail to achieve its purposes. But he is keen to a system that will do better. Mill emphasizes the importance of jury service and participation in local government, for this requires citizens to acquire a range of skills not likely to be available to those “who have done nothing in their lives but drive a quill, or sell goods over a counter.” The representative democracy must face the problem we saw with Plato’s guardianship: how to protect ourselves from unsavory leaders who may obtain…show more content…
Just as “monarchy” means “rule by the monarch”, democracy means “rule by the demos”. In classical Greek it can be understood both as “the people”, and as “the mob”. Democracy is mob rule: the rule of the rabble, the vulgar, the unwashed, and the unfit. But this insult to democracy is mere preliminary to Plato’s main anti-democratic arguments. His basic weapon is called “craft analogy”. Plato urges, be left to the experts. Thus people should work in the field which they are experts. For Plato, the just society is impossible unless the kings become philosophers, or the philosophers become kings. Philosophical training, Plato argues, is a necessary qualification to rule. Plato claims that rulers need expert
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