John Stuart Mill's Idea Of Liberty

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When Mill’s spoke about liberty he is lecturing about how democracy changed over time, depend on who were in charge. Mill’s think freedom is giving individuals the right to making their choice, but that government should come up with rules that will work with society. Because a person also requires regulations to make them civil in a growing society. When I think of Mill’s idea of Liberty. I think of the time when my mom would let me go outside to hang out with my friends, but she will give me rules to follow. The big rules to follow was to be home before it goes dark. My mother gave me a choice to do whatsoever, I want as an individual, but to only be home before it goes dark. The mill’s idea of liberty is the same thing if you give people…show more content…
Although they use this idea during those times, it was important to limit what people can execute with their life, so there could have less problem will happen. Other ideas, talk about who should have more power the masses or the regime. While Mill’s thought people should have the freedom to do whatsoever they want with boundaries. For example is that if a person who do something that harm himself than that's their mistake, but an individual harm someone one else would have negatives impact society for what they did. Although should get punished for what they did. The reason that mill’s feel like liberty is being opposed because he talks about how government control a person's life by telling them what is right and what is wrong from the day you are birthed. That government is your brain until the day you expire. Mill’s want people to be able to own thing, to do the thing that makes somebody happy. That liberty is not just for human beings, but for every individual who live in that state or country. My mom gave me the freedom to think for myself, but also gave me boundaries to arrive home before it gets dark because that the time dinner was ready. Which is the “acts of the public authorities.” (pg. 7) according to Mill’s. The right to give people the right to be

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