John In The Gospel Of Luke's Gospel

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John the Baptist is a key figure in the New Testament. His appearance in every Gospel provides his primary purpose: paving the path for Jesus. John’s primary purpose remains constant in all four Gospels; however, each Gospel has its own representation of John the Baptist. In Matthew, the author utilizes the Old Testament/The Hebrew Bible by introducing John according to the prophet Isaiah. The Gospel of Luke offers the most information about John. In Luke’s Gospel, the author foretells John’s birth; the reader is introduced to Elizabeth (mother of John). The author also tells the birth story of John and after all of those descriptions, John the Baptist is told to be preparing the way for Jesus. In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist…show more content…
Isaiah’s prophecy is brought forth and goes as follows: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way, a voice of one calling in the desert, prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him” (Mark 2-3 NIV). The author of Mark has the tendency to write short, abrupt sections, which often give the reader a straightforward understanding of the text. Mark specifically points out the importance of John the Baptist by utilizing the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. The author of Mark goes on to explain how individuals from all around would come, confess their sins and be baptized in the Jordan River. John the Baptist is portrayed with a very humble personality; upon baptizing the general public, he states that he has the power to baptize with water, but only Christ has the power to baptize with the Holy Spirit. This again brings forth the necessity of Christ coming and John quote on quote gets believer’s feet wet before their exposure to Christ. John the Baptist later baptizes Jesus in Mark 1:19. After this event, a majestic voice from heaven expresses their love and pleasure with Jesus. This is vital to the Gospels because it proves the prophecy of Isaiah and completes the path made by

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