John F. Kennedy: America's Best President

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John F Kennedy: U.S. Best President As you learn in your history books, many of the President’s of the United States had different traits that made them good, or bad, at being the leader of this great country. Although many of the President’s have great qualities and ambitions, I believe John F. Kennedy was the best president the United States has had. There are many reasons I believe is is the best president the U.S. has had, but I’m going to focus on his best traits that led to him being one of the most influential presidents the world had ever seen. Three reasons I believe he is the best president is he created the Peace Corps, his economic programs that brought us into the longest sustained suspension since World War I (The White House),…show more content…
I believe him creating this group is a big reason his is one of the best presidents we have had in the United States. As well as caring about American citizens as a whole, he also cared about the well-being of other countries and tried to bring peace and help to those who are less fortunate. This is a great quality to have when running a country because it shows he was not fighting for self-wealth, but that he wanted something better, not just for the U.S., but for the world in general. Another reason I believe JFK was the best president is his economic programs that brought us out of our low economic state, that had last until our recent economic downfall. John F Kennedy was known for a few slogans, an incredibly famous one being “getting America moving again.” This was his idea for a program that included tax cuts that would restore economic…show more content…
As well as bringing down the national debt and creating the Peace Corps, I believe JFK was the best president for one more reason. The final reason I believe John F Kennedy was the best president of the United States is because he fought for civil rights among citizens. John F Kennedy, weeks before he was elected president, called to make sure the young Martin Luther King Jr. was released from jail, safely and promptly. He then created a civil rights bill to go through legislation, which was not passed before JFK was assassinated in November of 1693. He wanted integrated schools for Americans and African Americans and started what he presumed to be the beginning-of-end of the civil rights movement. This is especially important because equality for all is what the United States was suppose to be based on. “... and a strong America requires the assurance of full and equal rights to all its citizens, of any race or of any color” (50 Years). John F Kennedy said at his State of the Union Address in
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