Joan Of Arc Research Paper

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Many have heard the name “Joan of Arc”. Some people may be able to associate the name with its meaning or history and some know the basic facts, yet most people have little to no knowledge about the impact and significance behind it. The most surprising fact people miss is that Joan of Arc was 17 years old at the time of her accomplishments and 19 years old at the time of her death. On May 8, 1429, as a French peasant, through perseverance, and with the guidance of visions claimed to be from God Himself, Joan of Arc led a small army of French to break the then current siege on the city of Orleans, France. In this paper, an explanation about the significance of Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans will be separated into three main points: Joan…show more content…
Freeman, during Joan of Arc’s short life (1412-32), she experienced military, spiritual, and social triumphs that energized France to resist the English invaders. Joan’s journey began at age 12, when she heard voices from three saints who urged her to aid the besieged Dauphin of France (Freeman). As an illiterate young girl in that era, one would assume that her claims were unheard and perhaps even frowned upon. Joan of Arc was at the bottom of the social pyramid; she came from a small village impoverished by the ongoing decades of war. She had and overcame many obstacles to achieve what she considered her divine duty: her young age, her gender, society’s views and oppression on the female gender, and whatever indefinite, personal, and mental obstacles she encountered through her trials. Despite these barriers, Joan of Arc demonstrated great feats of strength, determination, valor, and selflessness. The latter being expressed through the love for her country and the unchallenged willpower she passed onto her troops. By installing her beliefs and courage into the fighters of France, not only did she hail victorious at the Siege of Orleans, but she also freed other cities from the English until her capture in 1931 by other French, those allied with England. Subsequently, she was handed over to be tried and then burned at the stake. Larissa J. Taylor said, “‘everyone knows’ that Joan of Arc was burned by the Church and later deemed a saint by it”. Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920. Also from Taylor, Pope Benedict XV declared at her canonization that Joan represented “a most brilliant shining light of the Church Triumphant” (Taylor). In 1431, an English court under the Church’s law wrongly executed Joan of Arc for imperialistic reasons; therefore, the modern Church recognized Joan of Arc’s martyr status and it could be argued that to make up for said error, she was made into a saint. Figure 1. Joan of Arc at the Siege

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