Therapeutic Horseback Riding

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Therapeutic horseback riding is very beneficial for a rider of any age. The benefits of horseback riding are as numerous as the types of disabilities and conditions served. Research shows that students who participate in therapeutic riding can experience physical, emotional and mental rewards. It is a good way of teaching a person with disabilities how to react and grow while working with horses. Horses have a unique way of communicating with a person and knowing how to work with them no matter how long they have known the person. Can we find hope in horses? Neil Cutler, a disabled rider, says, “When on a horse, your strengths are combined, and your weaknesses are diminished”. My purpose for choosing this topic is to research and learn about…show more content…
Feelings of fear, frustration, or anxiety can be validated by the therapist, teaching the young person that these feelings are healthy while he's developing appropriate coping mechanisms. For example,“I will never forget the smile that lit up her face the first time she mounted her pony. The courage and joy she displayed that day will stay with me forever” (Dult). As the young person gets better and better at caring for the horse, his confidence often increases. By learning to care for the horse, they associate the care they provide with feelings and an emotional bridge is constructed. This bond can lead to social and communication skill production with other people in his life as well. Horses have a unique ability to sense emotions and react accordingly. Pat Parelli says, "A horse doesn't care how much you know until he knows how much you care. Put your hand on your horse and your heart in your hand" (Parelli). A horse can tell the mood that a person is in and they often mimic what you are feeling. If you are scared the horse may become timid, if you are angry the horse may act wild, but if you are calm and collected the horse will react

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