Jealousy In William Shakespeare's Othello

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I could describe Othello in many ways if you wanted my personal analysis. Othello was a Moor, typically from Saharan parts of Africa, old in age, and a soldier to the community. In Venice he was known as a great leader and a powerful guy. He was so powerful that Brabantio thought he used some type of magic or witchcraft to lure in his precious daughter. Being the man he was, he basically got her attention by bragging and boasting on his accomplishments as a war leader. It seems as if he loses that identity in the land of Cyprus. As they claim peace on the territory from the Turks, Iago begins to stir up souls, minds, and hearts there. Othello changes his whole character because he is easily manipulated. His happiness and great reign is all…show more content…
It all starts with the fact that he was gullible and naive, believing that his wife was unfaithful to him and that she cheating on him with Cassio, his lieutenant. This sparks the jealousy inside of him then later he compares jealousy to a monster in act three scene three. The jealousy expressed throughout the story is like a sickness spreading through a body. As a result he becomes angered by the things Iago keeps whispering in his ear. It’s evident he shows more signs of anger because he strikes Desdemona in act four. At this point he begins to lose happiness in their new marriage. The napkin he gave Desdemona as a symbol of love is no worth to him anymore until Iago makes a big deal out of it. After he rejects the napkins he tells Desdemona, "Your napkin is too little. (Handkerchief drops) Let it alone."(Act 3.3 ll.38-40) If it was a big deal to Othello beforehand, this very act would symbolize he is ultimately turning down Desdemona's love altogether. This happens after Lodovico sends Othello a message from the duke of Venice. Lodovico notices that this is a totally different guy when he gets to Cyprus. Disappointedly, Lodovico later goes on to tell Iago, "I am sorry I am deceived in him."

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