Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre Affect The Feminine Society?

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Jane Eyre is an English novel written by Charlotte Brönte published in 1847. The novel is centered on social criticism that females received in Europe during the 19th Century, and how it changed their personalities during that time. The title character is named after the book, which narrates the events that impacted her life and marked her personality. Her main goal was to take a stand against the male society and change the role women filled to a more standard one; but little did she knew her real goal would be the pursuit of love. This work has influenced several values of the feminine society today. Jane Eyre has inspired several works, most notably Roald Dahl's Matilda and J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, which are based…show more content…
Matilda narrated childhood, Harry Potter narrated adolescence, and Jane Eyre narrated adulthood. Their lives as young kids, though, had similar backgrounds under similar circumstances, but were not all that great. All three children were victims of neglect, child abuse, and slavery, akin to the racism that African-Americans suffered in the western hemisphere. They also had a common trait in that they received education one way or the other. Matilda sought proper education, which her parents deemed unnecessary, Jane was constantly abused and sought education as an escape to her troubled life, and Harry Potter was neglected out of the sibling rivalry between his aunt and his mother, and he was given education as a means to escape that discrimination, even though the boy did not sought education in the first place. However, their new educated lives were thwarted by an antagonistic figure, and they were taken under the wing of a guardian angel (Miss Honey, Mr. Lloyd, and Rubeus Hagrid, respectively). In the end, they managed to not only graduate, but solve several of their respective guardian angel's (and the school's) personal…show more content…
Despite the setbacks, Jane managed to move on, eventually finding out she was the heir to a huge fortune. Her life took a positive turn from that point, and her story ends with her finding of love, something that neither Matilda nor Harry Potter explored in such profundity. With all this said, it is confirmed that Jane Eyre was written to portray the struggles women endured during the 19th Century. The book not only gave women the right tools to take a stand against the dominant male society; it also moved several men to support the female movement and strive to give them equal rights as males. Throughout the 19th century, there was a globalized women's movement with the purpose of increasing women's involvement and influence in society. Additionally, although the book did not explicitly mention it, there were traces of racism (which Matilda and Harry Potter's respective backgrounds were loosely based on), which was another issue during the 19th Century, in Mrs. Reed's harsh, uncaring treatment towards Jane. This was seen when the typhus epidemic struck Lowood School, Mrs.

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