Invasive Species: Burmese Python

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Invasive Species: Burmese Python An invasive species is defined as an organism that is not native and has a negative effect on the environment, economy, and our health. Any invasive species is introduce to native lands as pet trades, ships, wood products, or as ornamental plants. It all depends the kind of species they are.The Burmese Python is one of the top ten invasive species taking over other ecosystems. It originally originates from Southeast Asia, but are now found in South Florida. Since they have made the Everglades their home they have been changing its ecosystems.The Burmese Python is a nonnative to the Everglades, and are now moving northwest to the Naples. The trophic levels for a python varies from 2-5. It depend on the environment…show more content…
There is 6 different types of interspecific relationships. They are symbiosis, predation, commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, and parasitoid. In symbiosis the relationship includes two or more species living together and interacting. This is the general term which includes all the other interspecific relationships. Predation is the relationship in where a larger animals eats another animal, regularly a smaller one. Commensalism is the relationship between two species where only one is benefited and the other one has a neutral response. Mutualism is a relationship in between two species where both benefit. In parasitism a smaller species feeds on a larger one, either weakening or killing it. Parasites is the relationship in where a parasite eventually causes the death of its…show more content…
The process of nutrient cycles is regulated by food web pathways that decomposed matter into mineral nutrients. Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and water are the most important links of a nutrient cycle. The Carbon cycle, Oxygen cycle, Nitrogen cycle, and the Water cycle are what keeps an ecosystem going. These nutrient cycles are the foundation of all ecosystems and their food webs. Endangered species and species that are at the risk of extinction are caused by humans destroying their ecosystems, their native land, and pushing them out of what they are used to. Humans the main problem behind why habitats are being destroyed, why invasive species are being introduced to native lands, and why many organisms are at the risk of extinction. Our unnatural relationships with any species can be caused by climate change, by overpopulation in certain areas, and by the destruction of their

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