Women In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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Arguing. Fighting. Loving. The women in Julius Caesar are strong because of these three key actions. Calphurnia and Portia were the wives of two powerful men in Julius Caesar, Brutus and Caesar. Throughout the play they were women of vitality. Women in Julius Caesar were portrayed as strong beings because they always had input on what their husbands did and they never backed down. Portia was an obscure woman, always putting Brutus’ well-being before her own. Revealed in act 2, Portia claimed, “I have made proof of my constancy, giving myself a voluntary wound here in this thigh. Can I bear that with patience, and not my husband’s secrets?” (Julius Caesar.ii.i.301-304). When this was stated, Portia told her spouse that if she could stab herself…show more content…
Not knowing the secret of a significant other could mentally and physically drain one. Moreover when two become wedded the vows say that they will “I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as sorrow.” (Callaway). This meaning that either way she will be there for Brutus, because they made a vow the day they got married. Towards the end of the book readers find that Portia has died, “With this she fell distract and, her attendants absent, swallowed fire” (Julius Caesar.iiii.iii.158-159). Portia committed suicide after swallowing hot coals when she was left alone. One would see that Portia cannot live without her beloved, so she must…show more content…
According to the text, Calphurnia tells Caesar about the bizarre dream that featured a lioness giving birth, people coming from the dead and blood drizzling onto the capital that frightened her that she had about her husband prior to awaking that morning. (Julius Caesar.ii.ii.13-26). Viewing blood drizzling on the statue of her significant other frightened her to the point she did not want him to leave the house. A spouse who adores and cherishes their spouse will tell them everything that concerns them. It takes strength to protect a loved one, keeping them out of harm’s way is all most want for them. Not only did Calphurnia tell Caesar about the dream, she told him that he was to not exit the house. Twice Calphurnia spoke about Caesar not leaving their home, first in (Julius Caesar.ii.ii.8-9) then again in (Julius Caesar.ii.ii.48-54). Telling a man what to do was not something a woman would do in Ancient Rome. Men ruled the house whatever they said went no matter the circumstances, women had no say in their lives. Looking at how Caesar considered Calphurnia’s opinion would be frowned upon during Ancient Roman times. Seeing how he listened shows that she had some say and she differed from most of her time. Portia had power, more power than her husband it seemed. Having the power to sway a husbands mind is strength even if they do not actually follow with the opinion given.

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