Internalizing Behavioral Disorders In Young Students

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An emotional or behavioral disorder is a disability characterized by behavioral or emotional responses very different from all norms and referent groups with adverse effects on educational performance. Emotional or behavioral disorders can be characterized into three categories, which include: externalizing behaviors, internalizing behaviors, or low-incidence disorders. Internalizing behaviors are typical of an inhibited style that could be described as withdrawn, lonely, depressed, and anxious and are typically expressed by being socially withdrawn. Internalized behaviors can include anorexia, bulimia, depression and anxiety. Not all students with emotional or behavioral disorders will get special education services. Many of these students slip through the cracks and go unnoticed. Student who have emotional or behavioral disorders usually have a low academic performance. Recognizing depression in young children is often difficult. Guilt, self-blame, feelings of rejection, lethargy, low self-esteem, and negative self-image are common factors in children who have depression. These symptoms vary with the child’s age. The signs of depression for young children as young as the preschool age may show up as anger, problems with sleep and feeding, even separation anxiety. Children from six to eight years old may have trouble in school, more accident…show more content…
This can help aide in their depression but with an abusive amount of use this can lead to other problems such as cyber bullying. While using these sites/ apps the child must be monitored. A way to improve students’ self-esteem and academic performance would be to provide a reward system to advance the way the students think of themselves. Teachers may also use token charts to help students become motivated because they can earn something once they have earned the right amount of

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