Inside Out And Back Again Analysis

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Think back to a time when you lost something. Whether you misplaced an object, moved to a new home, moved to a new school, or lost a loved one, think of something that once mattered to you, and now is lost. Whatever it is that you lost, do you miss it? Does it sadden you to have lost it? It certainly saddens Hà. Hà is just one of the many refugees who loses everything they have when fleeing. On the other hand, Hà and her family also gain a lot after fleeing to America. In the realistic fiction story Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai, the universal refugee experience is portrayed by all of the experiences and aspects that occur in Hà’s life. Through reading Inside out and Back Again, “Children of War,” and “Refugee Transitions’…show more content…
He speaks about how much his wife has learned and her ability to now speak English well. While speaking about his life in Nepal, he states, “Many of us were tortured and imprisoned. We had no choice but to flee Nepal to save our lives.” In other words, he and his wife lose everything including their language and their home after becoming a refugee. As a result of becoming a refugee, he and his wife now live in America. Refugee Transitions helps them to adapt to America and learn the language better. He states, “When we first arrived, my wife was unable to understand any English” (Gurung 25). While speaking about how Refugee Transitions has helped his wife, he states, “Now she has more confidence and more language skills to help herself and our family” (Gurung 28-29). This statement explains that, although the universal refugee experience can be hard, many people can find new homes after fleeing. Overall, the article “Refugee Transitions’ ‘World of Benefit Luncheon’” describes the transition that people go through during the universal refugee…show more content…
“Children of War” is an article about four different, real-life children who become refugees after the war in their country begins to move closer to their home. When the children are asked how the war changed their lives, Elma, one of the children, responds, “Everything completely changed. One minute we had everything, then we had nothing” (As quoted in Brice 10). This statement relates not only to Elma and Hà, but also to all refugees. This statement proves that many refugees lose almost everything, to everything, they have. Alternatively, many refugees can find a safe home within the process of fleeing their country. While speaking about her new life in America, one of the children, Amela, states, “But America is giving us a chance for a better future than we could have in Bosnia” (As quoted in Brice 10). That is to say, that many refugee, though they may lose everything from their old home, can find a safer and better place to be after fleeing. All in all, the article “Children of War” by Arthur Brice can relate to Hà’s story and to the universal refugee

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