Goblin Market Essay

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Goblin Market: A Feminist Analysis During the Victorian Era women were held to high social standards; they had to maintain their virtue in order to find a suitable husband. To lose one’s virtue in this time meant taking the risk of being shamed, disowned by one’s family, and being blackballed from marriage. Marriage and bearing children were women’s whole identity in the Victorian Era. Literature during this time for some women writers is seen as a form of resistance towards the social gender construct of the Victorian Era. An analysis of Christina Rossetti’s writing exhibits feminist thought: the gender perspective of the social inequality between men and women. In her poem Goblin Market, Rossetti uses the biblical reference of Adam and Eve. Like in Adam and Eve, Laura and Lizzie seem to be in their own world with no one else but the Goblins and their forbidden fruit. In the story of Adam and…show more content…
The translation of this quote from a feminist view is that only the single women are the only one’s who could hear the goblins yelling out for them to buy the fruit. The term “maid,” and “maiden,” are used throughout the poem and nowhere is there any reference to married women who can hear the goblins’ cries or any men; implying that only single women who still have their virtue are vulnerable to succumbing to temptation because married women have given their virtue to their husbands, and men are not held to the same standard as women during this period. Rossetti briefly mentions a woman named Jeanie that Lizzie thought of during her encounter with the goblins. Jeanie was a woman who had high hopes of being a bride and enjoying the benefits and life of a wife, but fell ill and died because she ate the forbidden fruit from the goblins. She thought of Jeanie in her gave, Who should have been a
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