Inmates Observation Report

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Inmates Jamie Giles/ Elbert Pyatt completed there displinary term in Housing Unit D and were in the process of being escorted to Housing Unit H by Sergeant Jamie Poinsette and Joshua Hussey when I enter D-Housing. When they exited I went to Control Tower 1 with Officer Fontella Holmes, shortly after I received a call for assistance via radio from Sgt. Poinsette. When I arrived in Housing H Unit Sgt. Poinsette, Cpl. Hussey and Officer Neal Boshears were speaking to inmates Giles/Pyatt in the day room. Inmate Pyatt had his back turn using the commissary machine and Inmate Giles was arguing. I asked them to enter the cell as instructed and they both refused. There was a brief standoff, Inmate Pyatt stated he was not going any were and dared

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